Upgrade Debian 11 (bullseye) to 12 (bookworm) without usrmerge errors

WSL1 -> WSL2

Following notes are for my ‘WSL1/Debian cloned to WSL2/Debian’ install.

Recommendation: 1st clone the 11 and then upgrade the clone. Make sure the clone is WSL version 2 (otherwise expect problems with usrmerge).

In 11:

ls -l / > state1.txt

Install ‘usrmerge’ in 11. As soon as it is installed it will run and warn that this is one way only process (can’t be reversed automagically).

apt install usrmerge
# and say yes

ls -l / > state2.txt

cat state2.txt | grep -- "->"

should return bunch of symlinks now

bin -> usr/bin
lib -> usr/lib
lib32 -> usr/lib32
lib64 -> usr/lib64
libx32 -> usr/libx32
sbin -> usr/sbin

Now upgrayedd:

Probably delete anything in /etc/apt/sources.list

sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list

For my WSL2 needs it may look like:

deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ bookworm main
deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ bookworm-updates main
deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ bookworm-proposed-updates main
deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security main
deb https://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-backports main


sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y

few months later, cleanup

sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt autoclean

optionally add something like

# info
cat /etc/*-release | grep PRETTY | cut --delimiter="\"" -f2 | lolcat

to .zshrc or .bashrc.

WSL1 -> WSL1 ?

If WSL1 to WSL1 is needed, the workaround could be to block usrmerge before update

Two files in /etc/apt/preferences.d

pin-usrmerge holds

Package: usrmerge
Pin: version *
Pin-Priority: -1337

and the same for pin-usr-is-merged

Package: usr-is-merged
Pin: version *
Pin-Priority: -1337

screenshot of WSL1/bookworm


How would you go about cloning a WSL distro?

Export and Import under different name


From powershell

wsl.exe --export OriginalDistributionName FileName
wsl.exe --import ClonedDistributionName InstallLocation FileName
wsl --distribution ClonedDistributionName

setup a default user if the new instance starts with root






restart wsl

wsl --shutdown

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Object Oriented Programming is not what I thought

Byte Magazine Volume 06 Number 08 - Smalltalk

Total commander - Add/Change comments for multiple files

multiclick way, set to anything


  1. create button with cm_SetAttrib command
  2. select all files
  3. click on created button
  4. select Check plugin attributes
  5. click on More attributes
  6. choose:

Plugin: tc Property: comment Value: write your comment here

  1. click OK

My button would be:

Command: cm_SetAttrib
Icon file: %COMMANDER_PATH%\..\ico\papirus\commix.ico
tooltip: change comments

Comments are stored in hidden text file named ‘descript.ion’ and will persist when file is copied (with total commander i guess). Hotkey for editing single file is CTRL+Z.

singleclick way, set to something predefined


a button like:

Icon file: %COMMANDER_PATH%\..\ico\actions\checkbox.ico
tooltip: set comment to <<<

assuming there is ‘files/change attributes’ setting saved with name ‘ok’.

This is what chatGPT has to say about descript.ion:

A “descript.ion” file is typically a plain text file used to store descriptions or metadata for files in a specific directory or folder. These description files were commonly used in older operating systems like MS-DOS and some early versions of Windows, such as Windows 3.x and Windows 95. The purpose of these files was to provide additional information about the files in a directory, such as a brief description, author, or any other relevant details.

Each line in a “descript.ion” file corresponds to a file in the same directory, and the line contains the filename along with its associated description or metadata. For example:

file1.txt This is the first file.
file2.jpg A picture of a beach.
file3.exe Important application.

In this example, “descript.ion” is the name of the description file, and it provides descriptions for three different files in the directory.

It’s important to note that the use of “descript.ion” files has largely become obsolete in modern operating systems and file management systems. More advanced metadata and file attributes are available in contemporary file systems, making it easier to store and retrieve information about files without the need for separate description files.

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