Revised Openbox rc.xml tiling keys and actions

<!-- brontosaurusrex start -->
<!-- ALT + y, x, c, v -->

<!-- left side -->
<keybind key="A-z">
  <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
  <action name="Maximize">
  <action name="MoveResizeTo">
    <!-- <height>98%</height> -->
<keybind key="A-y">
  <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
  <action name="Maximize">
  <action name="MoveResizeTo">
    <!-- <height>98%</height> -->
<!-- right side -->
<keybind key="A-x">
  <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
  <action name="Maximize">
  <action name="MoveResizeTo">
    <!-- <height>98%</height> -->
<!-- just center x -->
<keybind key="A-c">
  <!-- <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/> -->
  <action name="MoveResizeTo">
<!-- just center y (alt + win + c) -->
<keybind key="W-A-c">
  <!-- <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/> -->
  <action name="MoveResizeTo">
<!-- maximize -->
<keybind key="A-v">
  <action name="Maximize"/>
<!-- fullscreen toggle -->
<keybind key="W-F11">
  <action name="Execute">
    <command>wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,fullscreen</command>
<!-- move window to next monitor -->
<keybind key="A-m">
  <action name="MoveResizeTo">
<!-- brontosaurusrex end -->

Hotkeys (assuming querty keyboard)

alt +
z = 50% left
x = 50% right
c = center x
v = maximize
m = move to next monitor

alt + win +
c = center y

win +
F11 = force full-screen toggle


Openbox desktop margins are set to

top     0
left    6
right   6
bottom 46 # due to wbar