Recursive rename the zsh way
10. 2. 2020Example file tree structure
#├── a
#│ └── __resource.lua
#├── b
#│ └── __resource.lua
#└── c
#└── __resource.lua
glob ls
ls **/*__resource.lua
#a/__resource.lua b/__resource.lua c/__resource.lua
echo ‘stuff’ to them all
echo "stuff" >> **/*__resource.lua
cat a/__resource.lua
cat b/__resource.lua
cat c/__resource.lua
zmv is some sort of zsh extension
autoload zmv #
Add another one to tree root, just to make it harder
touch __resource.lua
The big rename
zmv -n '(**/)(*)__resource.lua' '${1}${2}woot.lua'
#mv -- a/__resource.lua a/woot.lua
#mv -- b/__resource.lua b/woot.lua
#mv -- c/__resource.lua c/woot.lua
#mv -- __resource.lua woot.lua
# remove -n when ready