31. 1. 2023After testing many offline cli ocr tools (Debian), this online tool does it correctly, using engine 5:
Example api script (with some help from chatGPT)
# ocr
# with cloudy service api
# usage: ocr /path/to/image.png
# returns text to stdout
key="put the provided key here"
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "file=@$image" -F "apikey=$key" -F -F "OCREngine=5" -F "filetype=image/png" "https://api.ocr.space/parse/image" | jq '.ParsedResults[0].ParsedText' | sed 's/\\n/\n/g' | sed 's/\\r//g'
Another interesting no.sign.up required would be https://freeocrapi.com/, but the ‘Internal server error’ is active right now.